Things You Can Make In An Air Fryer

Bite-sized churros
- Whip up your own baked churro batter and pipe 3-inch lengths onto baking sheets. Freeze up for about 20 minutes, until firm. Cook the frozen dough 5-7 minutes in air fryer, or until golden brown and fragrant. Brush the mini churros in cinnamon-sugar with butter and pin.
Gooey Grilled cheese
- Simply growing your preferred cheese between two pieces of thick sandwich bread and spread with a small quantity of room temperature butter (approximately 2 teaspoons). Bake for 4 minutes at 370 degrees F then turn over and bake for another 3 minutes.
Crispy apple chips
- Air-frying significantly decreases the time spent preparing and provides a crunchy, delicious treat. Select your preferred type of apples and break them into quarter inch circles. Bake for 10 minutes, at 350 degrees F.
Hard- ‘boiled’ eggs
- For full hard-boiled firmness an air fryer cooks eggs. (Surprised? We were too!) Put six eggs in the fryer bowl, straight from the fridge. Cook for 12 minutes, at 300 degrees F. Drop the cooked eggs in cold water, then quickly take off the shells.
Corn on the cob
- A typical fryer keeps around 4 small split corn ears in half. Clean them gently with olive oil and fry for 10-12 minutes at 370 degrees F.
Instant garlic bread
- Slim, quartered baguettes offer outstanding air-frying efficiency. Lightly butter each slice of bread centers and incorporate minced (or powdered) garlic. Fry two bits for 5-6 minutes, at 350 degrees F.
Air fried pickle
- Store-bought thick-cut pickle chips work best in an air fryer. Pat dry the pickles, drop them into the pounded egg, and turn them into panko breadcrumbs. Fry for 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees F, tossing them out halfway for further browning.
- To separate the cores from the biscuits, using a 1-inch circular cookie cutter and do not hesitate to save the donut holes! Work in four lots, and fry the donuts at 350 degrees F for 5 minutes. Fry all the donut holes 3 minutes at once. Brush soft donuts in cinnamon-sugar gently with butter and pull in.
Crunchy crouton
- Bread loosely square, then spray with olive oil gently. Sprinkle with salt and pepper on the cubes, and a pinch of garlic powder. Cook the extra-crunchy croutons for 5 minutes at 370 degrees F.