Food Safety Tips for Restaurants during COVID-19

Most restaurants are now allowed to open for business; however, it is still mandatory to have guidelines on what to do and not to do to protect both your employees and customers.
1. Sending your staff home if they show symptoms
Food safety begins with the people who serve and prepare the meals. In order to protect your customers from getting sick.
2. Make Hand-washing Mandatory
Washing your hands should be a priority at all times to keep yourself hygienic. Stock up your restaurant’s handwashing stations and ensure that hand sanitizers are available at multiple spots and stations for convenient access for both staff and customers.
3. Limit Food Handling

You may need to rethink the flow of your kitchen line if possible, to minimize fewer staff involved in serving and prepping meals. Ensuring that the staff who handle foods are well versed with the food safety procedures which includes personal hygiene, sanitation and food safety.
4. Clean and clean again!

During this pandemic, there is no such saying of cleaning too much. Cleaning before, during and after shifts is very important. Even though how long the coronavirus can survive on surfaces is unconfirmed, cleaning frequently can lower the risk of getting it.
5. Handle Packages Properly
You and your restaurant staff will certainly have to touch some packages during delivery. Therefore, adhering to social distancing by passing boxes through setting the box down on a table, then walk away allowing the other person to pick it up.