Kitchen Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner

These kitchen hacks is sure to change the way you do things around the kitchen.

1. Make soggy chips edible again
Left your chips out in the air and turned all soggy? Don’t throw them away!
-Take a plate, put a napkin or kitchen towel on it and put your chips on top. Use another napkin to cover the top and microwave It in the oven for 30 seconds and there you go! Crispy~

2. Quick removal of stem on strawberry
Insert a straw (or a stainless steel straw because being eco-friendly is very important) into the top of the berry and push it through to the other end to remove the stem.

3. 2 in 1 grilled fish
Forgot to marinate your fish before grilling? Out of oil? Here’s a tip. Improvise by placing sliced lemons on the grill before putting your fish on top of the lemons. This doesn’t only prevent your fish from sticking onto the grill, it also gives your grilled fish a nice lemon flavour.

4. Plate like a pro
Dip your knife in hot water to heat it up. Then wipe it with a dry towel and cut your cake into neat, nice slices. Repeat each time with a clean edge.

5. Get more juice out
The next time you need more lemon juice, try this tip! Microwave your lemon for 7 to 10 seconds. Then roll it back and forth under your palm on the counter. With that, when you squeeze, you’ll get more juice from the lemon with less effort.