Difference between Dry / Instant Yeast

If you just started baking ever since the lockdown, you might notice that there are different yeasts! Here’s the thing, though: There’s a difference. And the one you’re using creates a difference with your recipe. It might be confusing to new bakers but here are some ways to distinct which yeast suits the masterpiece that you are going to make.
Active dry yeast is typically sold in individual packets (pictured here) or small glass jars. If using the latter, just make sure to refrigerate it after opening so the yeast stays fresh and active.
Instant yeast is another type of dry yeast that was introduced after active dry yeast in the 1970s. It is made using a similar process as active dry yeast, although it is dried more quickly and milled into finer particles. Because of this, it dissolves and activates faster.
Unlike active dry yeast, instant yeast doesn’t have to be proofed first; it can be mixed straight into the dry ingredients with the same result. This yeast also gives you two separate rises.
Active dry yeast and instant yeast may usually be used interchangeably, one-for-one (though active dry yeast can be slower to rise). And if the recipe calls for instant yeast and you’re using active dry yeast instead, you may want to consider adding an additional 10 to 15 minutes for the rise time. When the formula calls for active dry and instant is used, reduce the rise period by 10 to 15 minutes.