Breakfast – Most Importance Meal of the Day
During a busy morning, it’s easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities. There’s no denying the fact that people often overlook the importance of eating breakfast, but it only takes a few minutes to eat something, which will really make a difference for your day.

1. Brain-Boosting Powers
When you look at the space on your desk, you might wonder why you can’t focus on the darn things. You can start the day with only two sips of coffee, which may be the reason. After a night of fasting, your brain needs fresh glucose (blood sugar) as fuel. Without it, you will not be able to process new information, you will encounter problems with your physical understanding, and you will not remember much. Therefore, a morning meal is necessary not only for your body but for the brain as well. Eating a nutritious breakfast helps improve your concentration and productivity.

2. Reduce Metabolic Syndrome
Starting your morning with breakfast will boost your metabolism and keep your blood glucose levels stable during the day. Instead of loading up on a heavy dinner, start your day off with a grand meal at breakfast time. Doing so may help prevent metabolic syndrome disorders like obesity and insulin resistance. A study in the International Journal of Obesity examined the type of foods and specific timing of consumption that resulted in metabolic syndrome characteristics in mice. Mice that were fed a meal higher in fat after waking had normal metabolic profiles, while mice that ate more carbohydrates in the morning and consumed a high-fat meal at the end of the day showed increased weight gain and other markers of metabolic syndromes. Researchers found that the time of fat intake matters; when eating fat early, metabolism worked efficiently and affected the animals’ response to different types of food later in the day.

3. Improve Your Skin
Eggs are an incredibly popular breakfast food, and they do more than just fill you up. No matter how you prepare it, eggs are perfect for your skin. Lutein is the carotenoid antioxidant in eggs, which helps maintain the elasticity of the skin and protect skin cells from free radical damage. Eating only one egg a day can increase your lutein level by 26%. Not only eggs, but many other breakfast foods also have similar characteristics, such as oatmeal, walnut pancakes and breakfast milkshakes.

4. Keep Yourself Thin
Although eating breakfast alone will not help you magically lose weight, it can help you maintain an emotional connection with food. On the other hand, long-term fasting can increase the body’s insulin response, thereby increasing fat storage and weight gain. Breakfast can also help to prevent overeating and try to eliminate desperate hunger through quick fixes such as donuts and vending machine snacks.

5. Stabilize Energy Levels
A balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber is critical to any healthy breakfast, and eating foods with these components will enhance your energy levels. Breakfast replenishes your glycogen stores, which supply muscles with immediate energy. Breakfast was found to supply around 25% of people’s daily energy expenditure, thus leading to a high-functioning day.