About Rose Tea

What Is Rose Tea?
Roses are one of the oldest flowers in the world, and have been cited in literature, music, and art for hundreds of years. They are beloved by gardeners as a hardy, long-lasting plant.
There are hundreds of rose varieties that are considered safe for human use. Rose is added to a range of products due to its aroma potential health benefits. Roses are also often used in the kitchen, especially in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Chinese cuisine. The aromatic flower is added to cakes, jams, and confections.
Roses have been used for cultural and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Rose tea is an aromatic herbal beverage made from the fragrant rose petals and rose buds. Drinking rose petals in tea may have originated in China. Rose tea is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where it is used to regulate qi, or life energy.
What Are the Benefits of Drinking Rose Tea?
Naturally caffeine-free
Many popular hot drinks, including coffee, tea, and even hot chocolate, contain caffeine. Although caffeine offers many positive effects, including reduced fatigue and improved alertness and energy levels, some people prefer to avoid it or are unable to tolerate its side effects. For instance, caffeine may increase blood pressure and cause feelings of anxiety in some people. Rose tea is naturally caffeine-free and thus could be a great replacement for some of the more common hot caffeinated beverages.
Hydration and weight loss benefits
Rose tea is primarily made up of water. For this reason, drinking one or more cups per day can significantly contribute to your total water intake. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, headaches, skin problems, muscle cramps, low blood pressure, and rapid heart rate. Thus, it’s important to get enough water throughout the day by eating water-rich foods and drinking plain water, teas, coffee, and other beverages. Additionally, water can aid weight loss by boosting your metabolism. In fact, research has shown that drinking 17 ounces (500 ml) of water can increase your metabolism by up to 30%. In conclusion, staying hydrated is key to good health. Rose tea is primarily made up of water, and drinking it is a good way to increase your fluid intake, which may also aid weight loss.
May Improve Menstrual Health
Menstrual pain affects approximately 50% of girls and women, some of whom experience vomiting, fatigue, back pain, headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea during menstruation. Many women prefer alternative methods of pain control over regular pain medication. For example, rose tea made from the buds or leaves. Rose tea and its extracts have been used in folk medicine to alleviate menstrual pain and dysmenorrhea. A study with 130 girls was set up to investigate this effect. The test group was given rose tea to drink, and intervention data was collected after one, three, and six months of the course. Results showed that the girls who drank rose tea felt less pain, anxiety, and distress during menstruation. Hence, beverages like rose tea are a potentially safe and simple treatment for dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome.
Benefits for Skin
The rose flower was widely used in making cosmetic and beauty products, later due to the abundant vitamin and antioxidant property it has now become one of the consumable elements and available as rose brand tea. The petals of the rose flower are loaded with Vitamin C which helps to fight against acne and other skin disorders. The antioxidant helps to fight against wrinkles and prevents sagging of skin. Spend for herbal tea rather going for high-end cosmetic products.
Improve Digestion
One of the most common traditional uses of rose tea is to treat stomach issues. Modern research suggests that this may be due to rose tea’s ability to increase our liver’s bile production. This helps your body digest food easier, prevents constipation, and can improve nutrient absorption. Adding Rosa damascena petals, buds, or oil increases the antioxidant potential of these drinks. Thus, having rose tea could be linked to digestive health.